
Mastering Precision and Perfection

“Mastering Precision and Perfection: Mahlkonig EK43 Alignment Tool for Consistent Grind Quality and Optimal Coffee Extraction”

Using the Mahlkonig EK43 alignment tool is important for several reasons:

1. Consistent grind quality: Grinders with misaligned burrs can result in uneven particle size, which can negatively impact the quality of your coffee extraction. Using the alignment tool helps to ensure that the burrs are in the correct position, resulting in consistent grind quality, extraction, and flavor.

2. Grinder reliability: By keeping your grinder’s burrs in alignment, you can prolong the lifespan of the machine and prevent damage caused by improper parts engagement and wear.

3. Maximizing productivity: An aligned grinder can grind coffee beans faster and more efficiently, allowing you to serve more customers and produce more consistent coffee.

4. Cost savings: Proper alignment can reduce the likelihood of equipment failure and the need to replace burrs and other grinder components prematurely.

5. Quality control: An aligned grinder is essential for consistency in your coffee production, which is crucial for maintaining a positive reputation and gaining repeat business.

By using Mahlkonig EK43 alignment tool regularly, you can ensure that your grinder is operating at its optimal level and producing high-quality coffee that meets your customers’ expectations.

The steps to align are pretty simple and straightforward, please see a quick guide below but please take care with heath and safety. If in doubt use a qualified engineer to get this done

1. Turn off and unplug the grinder before aligning.
2. Remove the hopper from the grinder and clean out any remaining beans or grinds in the burr chamber.
3. Insert the alignment tool into the burr chamber with the shaft in the center of the upper burr carrier assembly.
4. Turn the adjustment ring back and forth to lock the alignment tool in place.
5. Use the adjustment screw under the grinder to adjust the burrs slightly until the alignment tool is fully seated in the upper burr carrier assembly.
6. With the tool inserted, turn the adjustment ring back and forth while pressing the tool firmly down against the carrier assembly. This will help to ensure proper alignment.
7. Once alignment is complete, remove the tool carefully and replace the hopper.
8. Run a small amount of coffee through the grinder to verify that the grind is consistent.

Note that the alignment tool is recommended to use only a few times a year or when major burr replacement/repair has been made to maintain the grinder’s precision and maximize grinding efficiency.

All mahlkonig grinder spares can be found by clicking here.




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