Monthly Archives: May 2023


Roasting: Green Bean Selection

Before roasting can begin or even before you try and select the right equipment for roasting you would have to give as much time as possible understanding the selection process of green coffee beans.

Selecting green coffee beans is an essential aspect of the coffee roasting process. Here are some things to consider when choosing high-quality green coffee beans:

  1. Origin: The origin of the coffee beans plays a crucial role in selecting quality beans. Look for countries with a long history of growing coffee, such as Ethiopia, Colombia, and Brazil, to name a few. These countries have developed a reputation for producing high-quality coffee beans over time.
  2. Altitude: Coffee beans grown at higher altitudes tend to have a denser structure and a higher acidity level, which produces a brighter, more complex flavor. Therefore, it is essential to look for coffee beans grown at higher altitudes.
  3. Processing method: The processing method used on the coffee beans before they are roasted can significantly affect the resulting flavor. The three primary methods of processing coffee beans are washed, natural, and honey. Each method offers different flavor notes, so it is essential to know which method was used for your beans.
  4. Age of the beans: As coffee beans age, they can lose their flavor and aroma, leading to a lower-quality coffee. It’s always best to work with fresh beans. Look for beans that have been harvested within the last two years. If possible, try to purchase beans that have a roast date on the package so you can be sure they are fresh.
  5. Appearance: The appearance of the green coffee beans can also tell you a lot about their quality. Look for beans that are uniform in size, and check for any signs of damage or discoloration. Beans that are discolored or damaged may have gone bad or been exposed to moisture during shipping.
  6. Cupping: If you have the opportunity, it’s always best to cup the green coffee beans before purchasing them. Cupping involves tasting the coffee and evaluating its flavor profile. This will give you a better idea of the flavors and aromas that the coffee will have once it’s roasted.
  7. Supplier: Finally, it’s important to choose a reputable supplier when purchasing green coffee beans. Look for a supplier that has a strong reputation in the industry and offers a wide variety of high-quality beans. If possible, ask for samples to try.

Overall selecting the right coffee beans is a process that requires careful consideration and experimentation. Don’t be afraid to try different types of beans, roasts, and regions to find your perfect cup of coffee. And remember, the freshness of your beans is key, so be sure to store them properly to keep them as fresh as possible. Whether you prefer a bright and fruity cup or a rich and robust one, selecting the right coffee beans is the first step in brewing the perfect cup of coffee.


The Perfect Tool for Coffee Enthusiasts: MYTHOS MYONE

Victoria Arduino Mythos MYTHOS ONE Grinder: The Perfect Tool for Coffee Enthusiasts

Coffee lovers around the world, your perfect coffee grinding machine is here! The Victoria Arduino Mythos MYTHOS ONE grinder is the latest addition to the Victoria Arduino product line, and it’s a game-changer for coffee enthusiasts.

The Victoria Arduino Mythos MYTHOS ONE grinder is a state-of-the-art coffee grinder that is designed to provide the perfect grind every time. It is equipped with advanced technology that ensures precision and consistency in every single grind. With its advanced features, this grinder is perfect for anyone who wants to enjoy the perfect cup of coffee every time.

The Mythos MYTHOS ONE grinder is a commercial-grade coffee grinder that is perfect for coffee shops, restaurants, and cafes. It is designed to grind coffee beans quickly and efficiently, and it is capable of producing a range of grind sizes, from fine to coarse.

One of the most exciting features of the Mythos MYTHOS ONE grinder is its Clima Pro technology. This technology ensures that the temperature of the coffee beans is consistent during the grinding process, which helps to preserve the flavor and aroma of the coffee. Additionally, the Mythos MYTHOS ONE grinder has a programmable dose setting, which allows you to select the amount of coffee that you need for each shot of espresso or cup of coffee. This feature ensures that you get the same amount of coffee every time, which is critical for consistency.

The Mythos MYTHOS ONE grinder also has a unique design that makes it easy to use and maintain. It has a large, easy-to-read LCD screen that displays all the necessary information, including the grind setting, dose, and shot time. The grinder’s burrs are easily accessible, making it easy to clean and maintain.

The Victoria Arduino Mythos MYTHOS ONE grinder is the perfect tool for coffee enthusiasts who want to take their coffee to the next level. It is an investment that will pay off in the long run, as it can help you create the perfect cup of coffee every time. Whether you’re a professional barista or a coffee lover, the Mythos MYTHOS ONE grinder is the perfect addition to your coffee-making arsenal.

Overall, the launch of the Victoria Arduino Mythos MYTHOS ONE grinder is an exciting development for the coffee industry. With its advanced technology, programmable dose setting, and easy-to-use design, and now availabel and in stock.

Victoria Arduino Mythos MYONE



What is Coffee Roasting ?

We get asked this question on a regular basis so decided to write a quick blog about it and the entire process in a “nut-shell”


Coffee roasting is the process of transforming green coffee beans into roasted coffee beans. The process involves applying heat to the beans, which causes chemical changes that turn the green beans into brown. Roasting coffee beans is an art and science that requires experience, knowledge, and attention to detail. In this blog post, we’ll explore the coffee roasting process, from selecting beans to the final roast.

Selecting the Beans

Before the coffee roasting process can begin, the coffee beans must be selected. The quality of the beans plays a significant role in the final product. Coffee beans are typically categorized into two main types: Arabica and Robusta.

Arabica beans are known for their delicate flavor and aroma. They are grown at higher altitudes and are more expensive than Robusta beans. Robusta beans, on the other hand, are grown at lower altitudes and are known for their stronger flavor and higher caffeine content.

Once the type of bean has been selected, the next step is to choose the origin of the beans. The origin can have a significant impact on the flavor and aroma of the coffee. For example, beans from Central America tend to have a brighter acidity and floral notes, while beans from South America tend to be more chocolatey and nutty. African beans are known for their fruity and floral notes, while beans from Asia Pacific tend to have earthy and spicy flavors.

Once the beans have been selected, it’s important to ensure that they are fresh. Fresh beans have a higher acidity and a brighter flavor profile. It’s recommended to purchase beans that have been roasted within the past two weeks.

The Roasting Process

Now that the beans have been selected and the freshness has been ensured, it’s time to begin the coffee roasting process. The first step is to preheat the roaster. This is important because it ensures that the beans are roasted evenly.

Once the roaster is preheated, the green coffee beans are loaded into the roaster. The roaster applies heat to the beans, causing them to expand and change color. The chemical process that takes place during the roasting process is complex and involves the Maillard reaction, caramelization, and other chemical reactions (we will discuss different types of coffee roasters in another blog).

The duration of the roasting process and the temperature are carefully monitored and adjusted to achieve the desired flavor profile. For example,

Light Roast: This roast is characterized by a light brown color, high acidity, and a delicate flavor profile. The beans are roasted for a shorter duration and at a lower temperature.

Medium Roast: This roast is characterized by a medium brown color, a balanced acidity, and a richer flavor profile. The beans are roasted for a longer duration and at a higher temperature.

Dark Roast: This roast is characterized by a dark brown color, a lower acidity, and a robust flavor profile. The beans are roasted for an extended duration and at a higher temperature.


Coffee roasting is a complex process that requires experience and attention to detail. The quality of the beans, the origin, and the roasting process all play a significant role in the final product. As a coffee lover, understanding the coffee roasting process can help you appreciate the different flavor profiles and choose the perfect roast for your taste buds.

Hope we’ve covered the main points of coffee roasting process and on the next blog we will look at different roasting machinery and accessories.



The Ultimate Espresso Experience

Victoria Arduino Eagle One Espresso Machine: The Ultimate Espresso Experience

Are you a coffee enthusiast searching for the ultimate espresso experience? Look no further than the Victoria Arduino Eagle One Espresso Machine.

This state-of-the-art espresso machine is a game-changer for coffee lovers around the world. The Eagle One is the result of years of research and development, combining the latest technology with classic Italian craftsmanship to produce an espresso machine that is unmatched in both performance and design.

The Eagle One is designed for both home and commercial use, making it a versatile choice for coffee shops and aficionados alike. With features like automatic purging, soft infusion, and custom temperature profiling, this machine is capable of producing espresso with unmatched consistency and quality.

What sets the Eagle One apart from other espresso machines is its revolutionary technology. The machine uses technology to measure the amount of coffee in the portafilter, ensuring that every shot is perfectly dosed and extracted. This technology also allows for precise and repeatable shot times, making it easier than ever to achieve consistent, high-quality espresso.

The Eagle One’s design isn’t just functional – it’s also stunningly beautiful. With a sleek, minimalist design and a choice of colors and finishes, this machine is sure to be a showstopper in any kitchen or coffee shop. The machine’s ergonomic design also makes it easy to use, with a user-friendly interface and intuitive controls.

One of the most impressive features of the Eagle One is its energy efficiency. The machine is designed to conserve energy, with advanced insulation and a low-power mode that reduces energy consumption when the machine is not in use. This not only saves energy, but also reduces the machine’s overall operating costs.

And the Eagle One isn’t just easy on the environment – it’s also easy to maintain. The machine is designed for easy cleaning and maintenance, with removable parts that can be cleaned in a dishwasher and a self-cleaning program that makes it easy to keep the machine in top condition.

But perhaps the most impressive aspect of the Eagle One is the quality of the espresso it produces. The machine is capable of producing espresso with a rich, full-bodied flavor and a thick, velvety crema.

We at Coffee Omega strive to bring our customers the very best of coffee gear and this includes making sure the machinery we are supplying are high end.

The VA Eagle One is available in as 1 group Prima, 2 group and 3 group machine. Choice of course depends on the location and how busy it will. We have various package and leasing deals available with VA mythos one grinder and complete water filteration system.

More information can be found by clicking here.


Must have Pitcher Rinser for coffee shops and cafe’s

Pitcher Rinser: The Must-Have Tool for Coffee Shops and Cafes

As a coffee shop owner or barista, you know that time is of the essence when it comes to preparing drinks for your customers. You can’t afford to waste time cleaning pitchers between each use, and that’s where a pitcher rinser comes in. A pitcher rinser is an innovative tool that can save you time, reduce water usage, and ensure that your pitchers are clean and ready for use. In this blog post, we’ll explore the benefits of having a pitcher rinser in your coffee shop or cafe.

Saves Time

When making drinks, time is crucial, and the last thing you want is to slow down the process by taking time to clean pitchers between each use. With a pitcher rinser, you can quickly rinse out your pitcher in under a second, making it ready to use again. This means that you can serve your customers faster, reduce wait times, and increase customer satisfaction.

Reduces Water Usage

Another benefit of using a pitcher rinser is that it significantly reduces water usage. Rather than filling a sink with water and using it to clean pitchers

Size Matters

There are various sizes and shapes of pitcher rinsers, the one you choose depends on the intedned use and space available you have on the bench. As the rinser needs to be plumbed in and have a waste connection.

Oncounter pitcher rinsers usually sit on counter tops wihtout the need to drop them into the counter and is usually best option when installing on exisitng site. They come in various sizes, 14cm square, 30cm small, 40cm medium. 

The incounter ones or recessed versions of the above are when the pitcher rinsers is flushed into the bench and again they come in different sizes to cater for bench type and space, 33.5cm slim, 43cm slim med, etc.

All our DTCustom pitcher rinsers are made from stainless steel parts to give longevity in operation.

More information email: